Paola Cerri

Paola was born in Cremona, a small city of art, in an historical family of restaurateurs from which she acquired the values ​​of tradition and the strength of relationships. These roots, combined with curiosity for all that is cosmopolitan, have driven her to the world of travel and tourism. Hence its decades of experience in the Marketing & Communication, she has matured in AIGO specific skills in communication, in target marketing and special events’ organization, promotions BtoB / BtoC and crisis management.

Since 2010 she plays the role of Account Director, and through the Italian market, she has been managing the Tourism Board of  the Sultanate of Oman, Lithuania Travel, Palladium Hotels, Valli Resilienti and the Attiv-Aree Fondazione Cariplo Project, Visit Finland and Israel Tourism Board. At the same time she proactively partcipates to the preparation of the new business proposals.

After a degree in economics, Paola followed a master’s degree in Economics and Management of Tourism at the “Ca’ Foscari” University of Venice. Since 2003 she is a professional journalist.